The easiest Recovery System to create while allowing for a stable flight is the Lawndart. The Lawndart involves strengthening and padding the nose of the rocket enough so that when it lands, it can be reused. When launching payloads a safer and gentler recovery system is needed. This is why parachutes are used.
Aircommands Recovery Guide is a good resource for choosing a Recovery System.
One of the most efficient way of slowing a rocket down is the Parachute. Very compact till introduced to the airstream where it opens to increase drag.
Umbrellas are a cheap and stong source of making parachutes. They are easy to sew to and are already in a hemisphere shape.
Parachutes made out of large plastic bags are light, compact but not very strong. To streangthen them, each string attached to the parachute should be sown through sticky tape to stop tearing.
Umbrellas are a cheap and stong source of making parachutes. They are easy to sew to and are already in a hemisphere shape.
Parachutes made out of large plastic bags are light, compact but not very strong. To streangthen them, each string attached to the parachute should be sown through sticky tape to stop tearing.
Patriotic Parachute
After pulling apart an Australian Flag, I sowed around the edge for streangth and to stop freying. Then I sewed 8 cotton strings to the edges then made sure the outer strings were further away then the inner strings to keep the parachute as rectangular as possible.
No hole was needed for a stable decent because the flag was small and porous, containing lots of small holes. It worked out quite well but was a bit difficult to see from 100 or so metres below it.
No hole was needed for a stable decent because the flag was small and porous, containing lots of small holes. It worked out quite well but was a bit difficult to see from 100 or so metres below it.
When the rocket accelerates, the increased G-force exerted on the weight forces the weight back, pulling out the locking pin. When the locking Pin is pulled out, it relieves tension from the string which was jamming the timer. Now the timer is released it spins and unwinds till the string from the door slips off allowing the rubber bands to eject the parachute.
Jamming Mechanisim
The timer begins to unwind at the point of launch because a weight is suspended by a string which is jamming the timer.
There is a pivoting lever found in Tomy Timer that is not a cog-wheel which, if jammed, can stop the timer from operating. A hole was drilled through the timer and a string weaved through it and over the pivoting lever. When the string is under tension, the lever jams the cog-wheel. At launch the weight falls and releases the string, beginning the timer. |
Simple Diagram
A strong wooden construction also moves the CG forward for a stable flight.